In a previous article, we discussed various shower curtain choices related to how the curtain is attached to the rod, the types of shower curtains available, and ways to make more space in your shower. This post will examine the various materials used to construct the shower curtains. Each material choice has its pros and cons along with certain care instructions.


Polyester shower curtains are one of the easiest shower curtains to find and purchase. They are simple to maintain and have a low ability to crinkle or crease. Even though these shower curtains dry rather quickly, they can also be tossed in the dryer without worry of harm. Since they are so easy to find, they come in a variety of colors and patterns as well. It would be easy to find a polyester shower curtain to match your décor. Due to their ability to dry quickly, they are resistant to mold and mildew. The material is not flammable either, so candles near the tub would not be a problem.


Cotton/Linen curtains require more upkeep than the previously mentioned polyester. These materials are not water resistant, and they will soak up a fair amount of water when they become wet. Due to the natural fabric component here, they also run the risk of shrinkage, wrinkling, and creasing. Proper washing must be followed to reduce the incidence of shrinkage. Since this material will soak up water, mold, mildew, and water stains are possible. Another problem of soaking up a lot of water is that without a liner the water will most likely not be confined to inside the shower area. This means that the area around the shower also can become wet.


This material is often seen as a liner for those that prefer an outer curtain. The material does not let water pass through, so the water remains in the tub (and off the outer decorative curtain as well). Due to the water resistance, these curtains, like the polyester will resist mold and mildew. The construction is sturdier, and as with polyester, these curtains come in a variety of colors and patterns. The main concern with this material has been the PVC (Polyvinyl chloride) that has been associated with it. Most people are familiar with this through the smell that is emitted once the plastic pouch is opened that contains the shower curtain. Listening to consumer concerns regarding this non-ecofriendly portion of the material, manufacturers have adjusted the material in a way that is more earth friendly.