In 1962, a company was started that offered color cards for cosmetic companies. This company was Pantone. Since then, Pantone has evolved into the go-to source for everything color. They expanded their business into creating coordinating colors and color palettes that have industry giants from every facet of business waiting to see which colors will be highlighted for the current year. The Pantone Color of the Year for 2017 is Greenery. You can visit the link to see the shade and various color pairings that work with it. How can you incorporate this color into your remodel?

Statement Piece

You can choose a statement piece for the room remodel that will highlight the color of the year. For the kitchen, it could be a painting or colorful chairs. For the bathroom, it could be a colorful rug or an art piece. If the rest of your room is neutral, then you can change the statement piece as you desire without affecting the rest of the room.


You can also choose to paint a wall of a room or paint the whole room in the color of the year. You could paint a pattern on the wall using the color of the year and the coordinating colors. There are many possibilities for your remodel. You would just need to make sure that you get the correct type of paint for the room. For the bathroom, you would want paint that can stand up to a moist environment. For the kitchen, you want paint that is easy to clean, especially if the wall will be near a cooking surface. This will make greasy clean-up easier.

Decorative Pieces

Another choice would be to just add accents to the room in the color of the year. These would enhance the overall color choices already. These could be small rugs, throw pillows, towels, cooking utensils, and more. The objective would just be to add a splash of color without creating a focal point using the color. These items can be used in more than one room as well, highlighting the color around the house.

The color of the year and the colors that Pantone chooses to highlight are found in clothing, accessories, furniture and across many other industries. They are considered tastemakers for color. Pantone is known around the world and colors are referred to by their Pantone color number, even in international governments.