A handy item in your kitchen is the backsplash. The backsplashes’ main function is to protect your walls from various food stains or cooking splashes. There are many design choices for your backsplash, so you have options for how you want it to look. You could have it be the statement piece for your kitchen or have it blend in with your current décor. Here are some options for backsplash materials. One thing that is important no matter the material is that it must be easy to clean.


With a tiled backsplash, you can have glass, marble, or ceramic tiles. Each of these brings a different element to your kitchen area. With glass tiles, you can add light and dimension to your space. Ceramic tiles are easy to install and cost-efficient. While marble tiles give your space a classic look and feel. The size of your budget, the décor options you are looking for, and if you have something specific in mind will help guide you to the perfect material for your backsplash.

Stainless Steel

A great, affordable option for a backsplash is stainless steel. It can be cut into big sheets and attached to the wall with screws or glue. Unlike the tiles which could require caulk and possibly a sealant, the stainless steel is ready to go. One thing to keep in mind for the stainless choice is that fingerprints will show easily, and scratching can occur. Some of this depends on what type of activity is happening in your kitchen though.


Polished plaster comes with many color options and finishes. You can make it shiny or add texture if you like. This option can work with any décor theme that you are looking to implement in your space. If using plaster, you should understand that splashes might not be hidden, and if the material gets wet enough, it could begin to break down and crack. Again, it depends on what type of activity is happening in your kitchen and your cooking style.


If you are looking for cost-effective backsplash materials, you can investigate what is available for composite and laminate materials. You will need to consider your cooking habits and kitchen activities when considering these choices though. For example, a gas range and laminate are not the best options together. A gas cooktop and composite do not work well together either. It is important to inquire about any limitations that would come with the material you would like to work with.