You’ve decided you want to make a change to the kitchen or bathroom in your home. You have some ideas of the changes you would like to make, and want to make sure you spend a reasonable amount. How can you do this? You can do this by planning ahead. It is amazing when making changes how the little things add up to become big things. By developing a plan regarding the remodel, you can rest assure that you will finish within a reasonable time and for a reasonable price.

How Much Is the Average Remodel?

The average cost for a kitchen remodel is around $20,000. Some have spent as little as $5,000, and other have spent approximately $48,000. The average cost for remodeling a bathroom is approximately $9,000 ( The cost depends on the price of the material used and whether the remodel is minor or major. The first thing you need to determine is how much of the area you would like to change. Are you looking to just repaint the walls or change out the floor and fixtures?

Write Down the Changes You Want to Make

Have a clear cut plan for the changes you would like to make to the area. By determining the changes you would like to make, you can have a better picture of material costs and time frame. When you make the plan, stick to it. If you add extras along the way, it will increase your expenditure, and you will realize how the little things turn into big items later.

That being said, though, it is best to work in some wiggle room with the cost. There should be an extra percentage set aside to cover the unexpected expenses. Maybe the color/material you chose increased in price or is discontinued, so you need to pick something else.

Determine the Flow of the Remodel

Figure out not only what you would like to change, but the order you would like to change it in. Usually top down is a good approach. You would want to worry about the walls and wall fixtures before you put in new flooring. This way any mishaps that occur will not damage the brand new floor.

Additionally, when considering making changes to the kitchen, you will need to factor in if you will need to eat out for a while. If electric/gas is shut off or construction prevents you from reaching your stove/refrigerator, then you will need to add going out to eat to the budget. Or, if the job is a major remodel, you may need to stay somewhere else for a few days. This will also need to be added to the budget. Anything that will cost extra due to the remodel will need to be added to the budget (another example, needing to use a laundromat).

How Will You Pay For The Remodel?

You will need to determine how you will be paying for the remodel. Will you be getting a home equity line of credit, using cash, or taking out a loan? This is important to consider if you need to be putting down deposits or paying for the material costs in the beginning. Knowing how you will be paying will help determine when you need to go to your lender to start the loan process or have the cash in hand to give for the deposit.

There are many factors to consider when deciding on a budget for a remodel. One of the most important factors is to stick with the plan you began with. This will give you a good idea of the costs, and when you factor in the percentage for the unexpected, you will have enough set aside to cover everything.

Have some questions about remodeling your kitchen or bathroom? Give us a call at (440) 884-4600 or email us at, and we’ll help you get started on your remodeling project right away.