When you are beginning to think about your home remodel, you will have a number of questions. You want to make sure that you start the process and finish on time while incorporating all of the changes that you would like to see in your space. All the while, keeping as close as you can to your budget. Some questions that your friends might ask you are, who your contractor is, and if you have an architect. This might not be something you have thought about. Do you need both? Don’t they do the same thing? Can I have just one? In this post, we will discuss the role of the contractor and the architect in your home remodel scenario.

What Does An Architect Do?

An architect will come onto a project before any actual work is started. They will use their skill and expertise to put together your vision for your space. You will explain to them how you want the finished product to look, the specifics that you are looking for in design or material, and any must-haves that you are looking for. They can help you understand why some of your ideas are not practical with the space you have available or the extra amount of work that will be required for you to achieve your desired look. Another area of expertise for them is to make sure that your finished remodel conforms to all of the rules and regulations required by your state and local area. Once you have your remodel planned out, drawings complete, and a good idea of how much work is potentially required, then you can pass this information on to the contractor.

What does the contractor do?

Once the plans are finalized, you can pass the information onto the contractor who will actually be doing the physical work of making the changes that you requested. As the contractor works, they might need to bring on subcontractors (workers who work under the direction of the contractor) to work on specific areas of the remodel. Subcontractors could include plumbers because their expertise is on all of the plumbing needs for your house. Subcontractors are workers with expertise in specific areas of the remodel.

The architect, contractors, and subcontractors all work together to create the vision of what you want your space to look like when finished. They can all work together to overcome unexpected snags in the execution of your plan, allowing you to relax and enjoy your new space.