The Pantone Color of the Year for 2023 is Viva Magenta. Viva Magenta is a bright, warm, and vivid shade of pinkish-purple color. It is a very lively and energetic hue, making it a popular choice for designs that need to grab attention. It is often used in advertising, packaging, and branding to add a bold, modern touch. Viva Magenta also has a place in the fashion and beauty industry. It can be paired with other colors like white, black, gray, and silver to create a striking contrast. This color can make a wonderful addition to any room. Here are some ways to use it.

Focal Point

One way to use this color in your space is to make it the focal point. When people walk into the room, you can make it the first thing they see. This can be done by using it as an accent wall or painting a large space this color. You can also use it by having large pieces of furniture or artwork in this color. You are looking for pieces that will grab the visitor’s attention when they walk into the room and bring their focus to it.


The walls and furniture can be one color, with the décor sprinkled with Viva Magenta to brighten up the space. This can be done with small pieces of artwork placed around the room, a decorative vase, small shelves, a blanket, pillows, or other smaller items. These items can either be all around the room or placed in a certain corner of the space as a smaller focal point. The idea will be to add a pop of color to the room.

Start Small

If you are not sure if the color might be too much for you, then start small and add a few pieces in Viva Magenta to your space at a time. Another thing you can do is to rotate pieces throughout your space to add some vibrancy to each room. In the kitchen, you can find towels or placemats in this color. You can also look to see if there are utensils and cooking accessories in this color as well. This can add some energy to your cooking and meal times.

Viva Magenta is Pantone’s Color of the Year for 2023, and it is an exciting color with a lot of potential for your space. Try it in various mediums in your rooms and see which version you like best.